Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Chaos, Craziness, and Confusion of Black Friday

As I sit here and get ready for Thanksgiving to come around, in the back of my mind there is one other thing that I am just a bit more excited for, Black Friday. Every year my family and I go to Best Buy after the long feast filled day and wait on line so we too can get ready for Christmas and buy the electronics we want for cheaper. This sounds nice and easy but, it is just the complete opposite. Wouldn't someone think people would be more jolly and filled with holiday spirit around this time? My family and I wait on the line in the FREEZING cold for hours just to have people cut the line right at 4:50 AM. The system of Black Friday at most stores seems pretty organized when in turn it is not. Most stores have the eager customers lined up outside the store before it even opens and when the store is getting close to opening time, the employees hand out tickets for the larger, more expensive items. Obviously the items for tickets are priced better than usual, but only 50 tickets are given out for the really big items so the trick is to be there early and get one of those lucky golden tickets! Being a frequent and dedicated shopper I do continue to go back to the insane mall and all the other hectic places many people change their route because of on this crazy Black Friday morning. In the end all of the pushing, shoving, lack of sleep, and rushing to the stores in the morning is always worth it when I glance at my low-priced purchases.