Sunday, January 24, 2010

Midterm Madness!

Finally, they are here, what ever highschooler dreads, MIDTERMS! This week we have a full day of school on Monday and then half days the rest of the week! Sounds like a good week right? In turn, it's just the opposite, this is a week full of late nights and anxiety! After this week is over all of the relief of the SATS and midterms being over will set in, and the old routine of school will go back to normal. Atleast I know that after every school day I can grab some lunch and eat with my friends before I go back to a day filled with studying!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely hate midterms! It is most definitely the week during the schools year that the students hate the most. All i can say is thank god they are finally over!!
