Monday, December 21, 2009

Day Off!

Last night as I finished up my homework and waited for dinner to be ready, the phone rang and since I have caller ID that pops up on my TV (so cool, I know) I saw it was the school! Usually, I would be the last person to answer this phone call but this time I knew there could be a slight chance that we either had the day off or a delay! As I ran to the phone I hoped it was phone call I so longed for, and IT WAS! So today on this snowy day my best friend Michelle Bambara and I were driving to our friend Jackie's house. As we approached the big hill to go to Jackie's house on the other side, the car stopped! We both looked at each other and we were not surprised at all that this would happen to the two of us. We got out of the White Toyota Camry and stared at it stuck in the snow. All of the sudden a old man out of the abyss came and helped us push the car a little bit up the hill to get the car out of the pile of snow. After we finally arrived at Jackie's house we played an old card game called BS and laughed about the happenings earlier. All in all I had an interesting but great day off!

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