Monday, December 21, 2009


Saturday morning was a hectic and interesting one! I woke up around 10 A.M. and hung out with my two best friends, Anna and Michelle. No one was around at Anna's house and she is always thinking of some crazy thing to do and always drags me and Michelle into it somehow. This day she had the idea to put a hard boiled egg in the microwave! Sounds pretty harmless right? I thought so too. We put it in for 10 seconds, nothing happened. 15 seconds, nothing. 20 seconds, nothing. Then, at 25 seconds the hardboil egg exploded and the door to the microwave oven flew off! It was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen considering it wasn't my house or microwave. We realized that we had to replace the microwave before Anna's mom came home from running errands! So we got some money together somehow and Michelle drove us to Target. You'd think microwaves would be pretty cheap! We ended up paying $68 for a MICROWAVE! Then, we wrapped it and put in the place of the new one, hopefully her mom will love the unexpected Christmas gift!

1 comment:

  1. this is a hilarious story. i would have died laughing. as long as it wasn't my microwave. haha I would never think a hard boiled egg would explode in a microwave. I wonder why that happened? that sucks that you had to buy a new microwave but it was still a little excitement to top off the weekend!
