Monday, March 8, 2010

Food Network and HGTV Scare

The crazy recession is starting to have so many noticeable effects, television companies like Cablevision are choosing to take some stations that do not have enough viewers off the air. A few weeks ago they decided to take HGTV and Food Network off our channels, I was soo upset! All of the cake shows are my favorite<3 and I know my parents enjoy watching Rachel Ray a lot as well. HGTV had many home gardening shows that I am sure so many people were devastated to lose. When I finally flipped through the channels and came across my favorites shows back on, I was so happy!

1 comment:

  1. I have been noticing these things to. A bold move was taken by ABC last night. They demanded like 40 million dollars or they would not air the Oscars. But, I enjoyed the gift that cablevision gave its customers by renting like 5 movies all for free. They eventually returned to airing the show. I didn't know that food network is gone too!!! :( I was supposed to be on that cake show tomorrow! I guess not and I gues you won't be jealous when you see me up there. I could have made a shout out but there's no point if you can't watch. LOL
