Monday, March 15, 2010

License :)

Today, I missed school to cross over onto a new path in my life, DRIVING! I have probably never been more nervous in my life than when I was waiting in line to go through the course. The nerves that race through you are seriously crazy, every minute feels like an hour. My hands were trembling at the wheel but in the end I managed to pull it together and pass! Taking the picture and signing my name was a task also. I could not imagine working at the DMV the work seems so tedious and repetitive. There is a row of windows each with a tired employee who usually seem like they have been there for a while. Waiting to hear your number called next in line seems like it is never going to happen but in fact it does! A crazy feeling of relief overwhelms people as they leave the DMV with all their proper paper work completed.

1 comment:

  1. I know exaclty how you felt. When i was waiting to take my road test i was so nervous! And on top of that it was raining for yours which really does not help. Congratulations on passing! It is so excitign once you get your license and such a relief, stay safe on the road:)
