Sunday, February 7, 2010

Animals Crazy Senses

After the earthquake in Haiti I saw a video pop up on that seemed really interesting so i clicked on it. The video shows the dog suddenly look extremely alert and dart out of the office but nothing has even happened yet? Then all of the sudden about 3 seconds later the earthquake comes! I find this to be amazing that animals have such crazy senses. That's why when i'm homealone i still feel somewhat safe knowing that if danger was near my dog would be able to sense it and go crazy. After seeing this video i completely understood the reason for a guard dog at certain places because this displays animals crazy, amazing senses.

1 comment:

  1. Animals have amazing senses like you said. I was watching the tv show "I Shouldn't Be Alive" and these people were stranded in the Atlantic Ocean in a little raft. They shipwrecked in a storm. But, they were surrounded by thousands of sharks. There were fins everywhere. One of the sailors had a small wound and some of his blood fell into the ocean. This attracted sharks from everywhere. Then in an aside the character said that sharks have a sense on smell ten times greater than a human. And they can smell a drop of blood diffused in the ocean from like a mile away, truly amazing!
