Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear John

As well as anticipating the snow all week I was also very excited to see Dear John because it was from Nicholas Sparks and i loved his book made into a movie, The Notebook. Everyone who read the book and then saw Dear John told me it wasn't good and i was so upset but still had to see it for myself! Since i haven't read the book i thought the movie was so good! This just goes to show how different books are from the movie they are made into. Another perfect example of this is the way people feel about Twilight. I also haven't read these books but my best friend, Chelsie, has and she absolutely hated the movie since it was so different from the book but i thought it was pretty good. Now before when i'm choosing to read a book i'm very careful about my selections because i don't want it to ruin the movie for me!

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